The use of multi spectrum energy pulses in solutions provides specific activation based on a physical phenomenon: Applying multi spectrum energy pulses, allow for the creation of new chemical bonds or the destruction of others. Cavitation is a process in which mechanical activation destroys the attractive forces of molecules in the liquid phase. Applying multifrequency energy, compression of the liquid is followed by rarefaction (expansion), in which a sudden pressure drop forms small, oscillating bubbles of gaseous substances. These bubbles expand with each cycle of the applied MULTISPECTRUM energy until they reach an unstable size; they can then collide and/or violently collapse.



During the traditional time-intensive aging process of spirits, molecules undergo slow but transformative chemical reactions, resulting in recognizably fuller flavours. Allowing this process to happen naturally takes long periods of time and elicits only a small fraction of the potential aging benefits. When used on spirits, the sonn promotes further extraction of flavors, aromas and mouth feel from interactions among the flavour particles which results in smoother more integrated mouth feel and a smooth, flavorful lingering finish. When using the sonn, spirits becomes a more homogeneous liquid with improved sensory characteristics. Using the sonn allows for a more energetic reaction between the molecules and thus a more complete molecular change in a very short period of time: literally seconds! Additionally, natural gases including oxygen and sulfur dioxide (SO2) are expelled, reducing pH.This results in an improvement in taste, aroma, mouth feel and an overall enjoyment in the spirits drinking experience.



With liquids containing solids, similar phenomena may occur with exposure to multifrequency energy. Once cavitation occurs near an extended solid surface, cavity collapse is nonspherical and drives high-speed jets of liquid to the surface. These jets and associated shock waves can damage the now highly heated surface. Liquid-powder suspensions produce high velocity interparticle collisions. These collisions can change the surface morphology, composition, and reactivity. it has been observed that multifrequency energy can greatly enhance chemical reactivity in a number of systems by as much as a million-fold; effectively acting as a catalyst by exciting the atomic and molecular modes of the system (such as the vibrational, rotational, and translational modes). In addition, in reactions that use solids, multifrequency energy breaks up the solid pieces from the energy released from the bubbles created by cavitation collapsing through them. This gives the solid reactant a larger surface area for the reaction to proceed over, increasing the observed rate of reaction.



Using the sonn when brewing allows water to work more effectively and quickly while using lower temperatures to achieve the extraction. Less heat is key; the primary reason that coffee or tea becomes bitter or astringent is the creation of acids from using high brewing temperatures. This is why cold brew lacks the acidity of traditionally brewed coffee. sonn’s process also creates nano- and micron-sized particles, leading to a bigger aroma, fuller taste and silkier mouth-feel. This increase in total dissolved solids are, in effect, little tiny flavor packets.
Coffee and tea contain many of the same chemical components as wine and spirits so the same thing that is happening with spirits is happening to the coffee and tea as explained earlier. Any solid, will react in that fashion, a olive for a martini, a piece of celery or a chunk of cinnamon opening up whole new vistas for micro infusion of coffee, tea, wine and spirits.